Recurring Themes in Science Fiction

Tampa, FL

This blog was created for my expository writing class that the University of South Florida. This blog will contain five entries concerning the topic of reoccurring themes in science fiction. Here is a tentative list of the five blog entries.

1. Robots/A.I.
2. Space/Time Travel
3. Aliens/Invasions
4. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios
5. The seemingly everlasting presence of the human race

For [professionally written] information on science fiction and fantasy visit:

Locus Online; The Website of The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field at

Nov 12, 2009


A plague sweeps through America, killing three fourths of the population. No cure! World Wide Terror!

Look In the sky! Is it a plane? NO! It’s a UFO!

~zip zap BOOM~


… and were all dead.


As sick as it may sound, it seems, we are extremely entertained by the idea of worldwide destruction. Movies, books, and even on the news you can find a plethora of stories about the end of the world. To date, we have thought of it all; zombies, natural disasters, illness, meteors, aliens, nuclear or chemical war. Personally, if we are talking about science fiction, I prefer to read about zombies. Something about nuclear destruction and natural disasters seems too real for me. But I suppose that’s part of what people enjoy about apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic scenarios. They can ask themselves “What if this was to actually happen?” And we all do it- we as humans are a curious race. According to one of those online questionnaire survey quiz things I apparently have a 71% chance to survive a zombie apocalypse. Movies like The Last Man on Earth, The Day After Tomorrow, and just about any zombie movie you can find all depict there terrible and seemingly hopeless situations that man somehow manages to overcome. But is it really all just fiction? And if not, will man somehow miraculously survive just like a happy ending we expect from a Hollywood movie?

What if I were to say that several apocalyptic scenarios have already happened? Does anyone remember how dinosaurs became extinct? For millions of years dinosaurs roamed this planet. Then, some 65 million years ago, a huge meteor rock thing fell out of the sky. As the story goes, the meteor impacted the earth creating a 110 mile wide crater in the Yucatan, creating enough ask and debris to block out the sun. This subsequently killed the plants, thus killing the plant eating dinosaurs, thus killing the dinosaurs that eat the plant eaters. Unfortunately, no human was there to live and tell the story. So who knows what actually happened.

If we want to talk facts however, what about the bubonic plague? Or perhaps the Spanish flu? The bubonic plague, around the year 1350, killed 50-60 percent of Europe’s population, thus earning its name The Black Death. IT lingered around until the 1600’s until better medicine was invented. The Spanish flu came about in the early 1900s. In 1918 the disease infected a third of Earth's population. Doing the math, I figure that’s about 500 million people.

Still not recent enough to keep you interested? What if I were to tell you the world could end in just three years from now? This is perhaps the biggest hype since Y2k. According to several prophesies and the media, the worlds going to end- AGAIN! I do not want you to think I am mocking the idea that we might all die… I just don’t appreciate writing in a morbid tone. It doesn’t suit me :)

Most people today are familiar with the prophesy about 2012… I believe the actual end of the world date is said to be either October 28, 2012 or December 21, 2012. In fact their even making a movie about it. Fun times… The worlds about to end so let’s all go to the theater and eat popcorn…

What makes the prophecy about 2012 so intriguing, is that unlike most apocalyptic theories, this has a lot of supporting historical and scientific evidence. Different ancient cultures all around the world seem to have the same idea about this date in time- Something big and something bad something catastrophically destructive. The most popular of these prophesies comes from the Mayans and their long count calendar.

Now keep in mind the ancient astronaut theory from my last blog. The mains built great pyramids and found great knowledge in a short about of time. They were so knowledgeable in fact that they were able to scientifically predict the future using the sun moon and stars. Their calendar goes on for over two thousand years and then stops… on December 21st 2012, and at the end of their calendar destruction is depicted.

To date, Science even backs up their theories of worldwide destruction by saying there is some sort of mass in space… rather a rift or a cloud of some sort of energy that is slowly but surely heading in our direction. And when out earth eventually enters this cloud, something about the magnetic fields of out earth will go crazy and the earth poles will shift creating world wide chaos with hurricanes earthquakes tsunamis, drastic climate change, and even something about Japan being completely underwater.

My major problem with this theory is that yes chaos might be coming but who says it’s the end? Who is to that that the Mayans decided to stop their calendar because they thought they had done enough? Perhaps the Mayans were like…

Mayan Steve: Hey bob I’m getting hungry

Mayan Bob: I know Steve but we have to keep working on the long count calendar

Mayan Steve: Bob… don’t you think two thousand years into the future is long enough?

Mayan Bob: *sighs* I guess your right Steve... We can always finish later…

-they go get lunch-
...and then the Spanish kill all the Mayans before
they can continue the calendar

~cut scene~

All in all… I figure, if the world’s going to end then it’s going to end. If humans are meant to live through it, then they will do was they always have done – procreate and make some more people. Perhaps it may not be nearly as entertaining as Hollywood or science fiction novels like to depict, but until it does happen, I believe apocalyptic scenarios will always be a “must have” not only in science fiction but also in our media. It seems there will always be another prophesy…. There will always be another Y2k craze…. Well... unless the time actually comes I guess

In fear of this blog entry becoming more morbid,
This is me, signing out

PS. Below you will find a video of a documentary on 2012 as well as a trailer for the 2012 movie…

*note* this is only part one... there are two more parts that you can find on youtube :)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your take on the end of the world, just kidding. I like how you make light of a morbid situation. We're all going to go one way or another so we should enjoy while were here including SciFi movies depicted the end of the world. I really enjoyed your version of "how the calendar was created" that so could have happened and at the very least it made me laugh. Enjoyable Blog!!

